A unique relationship
forged in service.
The South Alberta Light Horse
The Holy Trinity Anglican Church
in 1908, the Dragoons were asked to provide their Regimental chaplain to consecrate the newly acquired Regimental colours of the 101st Edmonton Fusiliers. These Colours were duly consecrated by the Venerable Archdeacon Gray in 1911. Training for the Dragoons continued to be conducted in the local Edmonton area and included numerous church parades at the Holy Trinity Church. With the outbreak of the War in 1914, the Dragoons were mobilised and departed Edmonton for Camp Valcartier and ultimately France. The prior year saw the appointment of Regimental Chaplain assumed by the Reverend C Carruthers.
By 1911, a Regimental Armoury was built at 10310 - 85th Avenue. This proximity to the Holy Trinity Church established a long-standing relationship to this day and is reflected by the two Regimental colours and one Regimental flag which have been laid up in this church since 1964.
In 1978, the Federal Government recognized that Edmonton required its armored soldiers. B Squadron, the South Alberta Light Horse was duly stood up to fulfill this requirement. The 2006 amalgamation of the 19th Alberta Dragoons and the South Alberta Light Horse officially linked the history and heritage of these two fine units under its current name. While the Dragoons were dormant for over 40 years, their exceptional history and close ties to the Holy Trinity are now a part of the South Alberta Light Horse lineage.